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What’s Happening in Pleasantville, 10.04.23

Ragamuffin Parade and Festival: This year’s parade and festival is scheduled for Sunday, October 22, 2023 (rain date of Sunday, Oct. 29). The parade line-up is at noon in front of the Bedford Road School with step-off at 12:30pm. The parade route goes down Bedford Road, ending in Memorial Plaza where there will be rides, food trucks, games and more. People of all ages are welcome.

Moratorium in the Central Business A-1 District: In January, the Board enacted a 6-month moratorium on new land-use approvals (site plan, special use permit and subdivisions), variance relief, and building permits for projects in the A-1 zoning district.  During this time the Village engaged its planning consultant, BFJ Planning, to analyze development potential in the A-1 business district. BFJ identified vacant or significantly under‐built sites where development might reasonably be expected to occur under the current zoning. Their analysis determined the maximum number of units that could be built on these sites under the existing zoning and projects the impacts that might occur —population, traffic, water supply, public safety, and schools. The impacts of current developments were also included in this analysis. Based on the findings, the Board of Trustees allowed the moratorium to expire on July 30, 2023 while they contemplate some amendments to the Village Code. To see the BFJ analysis and findings, please click here.

Manville Road Pedestrian Project: The project is now approximately half-way complete. The remaining work includes the construction of a retaining wall around monument island to enable the placement of a right hand turn lane from Memorial Plaza onto Manville Road. To facilitate this phase of construction, the plantings and trees near the retaining wall will be removed, and the flag poles temporarily taken-down. In the final phase of the project, the flagpoles will be re-installed, and new trees and landscaping added. Once the right hand turn lane has been constructed at the Memorial Plaza/Manville Road intersection, new curbing and sidewalk will be installed around the monument and across the existing slip lane. The sidewalk will widen as it extends over the MTA bridge towards Wheeler Avenue. This phase of the project is currently delayed as the contractor, PCI, cannot obtain the required Disadvantage Business Entities (DBE) subcontractors to meet NYSDOT contractual requirements. They have submitted a ‘Good Faith Effort’ request to NYSDOT asking for a waiver based on the difficulty in securing such subcontractors. For an overview of the Manville Road project, click here.

Work in the northern end of Memorial Plaza: The Manville Road project will result in the removal of the right hand ‘slip lane’ exiting the north end of Memorial Plaza. Reconfigured parking will remain on the railroad side of the median, and we will add plantings, trees and lawn area near the monuments. This work is projected to cost approximately $600,000, which is supported by $450,000 in grant funding. This work contributes toward the proposed civic space, if that project is undertaken in the future. This work is expected in spring 2024. Click here to view a rendering. 

Update on the Village Pool: The proposed pool reconstruction work is tentatively planned to begin in September 2024. This is a year later than previously hoped, but additional time was needed to address stormwater issues: the location of the pool (at the foot of Nannahagan Pond with the adjacent stream) presents unique challenges. Proposed improvements will include enhanced water-proofing of the new pumphouse, additional on-site drainage, and the construction of a new culvert. These changes do not affect the design of the pool itself. This project will be funded by a bond issuance with the annual debt service paid for by increases to pool membership fees and property tax increases. Information about the project can be found here.

Cooley Street Improvements: Work has begun on Cooley Street between Bedford Road and Manville Road with an anticipated completion date of late November (weather permitting). Vehicular traffic and pedestrian access within Cooley Street will be limited during construction. The Cooley Street improvements include the following: roadway re-paving, new curb, sidewalks and ADA accessible curb ramps, traffic striping and signage, decorative street lighting, drainage and water systems. These site improvements will enhance Cooley Street’s functionality as a two-way road.

Traffic signal timing analysis on Bedford Road: DTS Provident Engineering has completed a traffic signal timing and optimization analysis of the three Village-owned traffic signals on Bedford Road. This analysis will assist in the development of a signal timing plan based on actual traffic and pedestrian counts. The objective is to optimize performance of the traffic signal systems—to enhance efficiencies and safety for motorists and pedestrians. The study can be viewed here

Pay Stations at the Manville Rd and Bedford Rd Parking Lots: The pay stations in the Manville Road and Bedford Road parking lots changed from the pay and display process to pay with your license plate number at the pay station. With this transition, parkers will not need to display parking receipt. The current 3-hour time limits will remain in effect.

Con Ed gas main replacement project update: Gianfia Corp. (Con Edison’s utility contractor) completed the replacement of the Con Edison 4 inch gas main on portions of Wheeler Avenue and Bedford Road, and re-connect/transfer the existing gas lines serving the eight (8) businesses impacted from new gas main installation. Sidewalk rehabilitation work is nearly complete. Con Edison will be responsible for roadway milling and re-surfacing the entire width (curb-to-curb) of Bedford Road and Wheeler Avenue. Repaving is likely to occur later this fall.

The Village of Pleasantville has expanded food scrap/compost drop-off hours at 1 Village Lane (Public Works) as follows:

April – November

Saturdays: 6 am – 3 pm (drop-off bins are outside the gate until 9 am)

Thursdays: 8 am – 2 pm at (drop-off bins located outside the gate)

December – March

Saturdays: 9 am – 3 pm

Thursdays: 8 am – 2 pm at (drop-off bins located outside the gate)

Recycling App: The Village and Sustainable Westchester launched a mobile app, “Recycle Right Westchester,” to make it easier for residents to stay connected about waste and recycling collection programs. In the mobile app, you’ll find the garbage, recycling, and special pickup collection schedule specific to your address. The app can also remind you of your collection day. Download the mobile app for Apple or Android by searching “Recycle Right Westchester.” Similar tools are available on the web; search your home address in the “My Schedule” tool:

Development/Private Property Update: 

  • 60 Wheeler Avenue (former Pleasantville Pharmacy) – A dental practice received a required zoning variance and has been approved to operate in approximately half of the former Pleasantville Pharmacy space. There is no further information regarding the remaining vacant space in the building. 
  • 444 Bedford Road (former Chase building) – A proposed mixed use development that includes 36 apartments has been submitted to Planning Commission. See application here
  • 1 Campus Drive – No formal application has been submitted to the Village at this time. The property is zoned for commercial campus/office use, so a proposal for a different use would require a zoning change.
  • Girl Scout Property – A proposal for 4 new residential lots is before the Planning Commission. Click here for documents related to this proposed project.
  • 70 Memorial Plaza – Construction work on interior finishes is in the final stages of completion. Exterior hardscaping, including the a pedestrian passage with public easement, has been completed.  The owner anticipates substantial completion by the fall/winter of 2023.
  • 52 Depew Street –The building was granted a temporary certificate of occupancy and the building is fully occupied. The developer is working on amended approvals by the Architectural Review Board.
  • 98 Washington Avenue – This is a 14-unit affordable housing project. After years of contract breaches and delays, Westchester County has made the decision to sue MIGI Asset Acquisition LLC, (the property owner) for several breaches and failure to complete the project.